Let’s Talk DVA and Alpha Chi

Let’s Talk DVA and Alpha Chi

Since Alpha Chi Omega’s adoption of domestic violence awareness as our national philanthropy in 1992, our organization has sought innovative ways to provide domestic violence prevention and education resources to our members. According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, women ages 18-24 are experiencing the highest rates of intimate partner violence, and 43% of dating college women report experiencing violent and abusive dating behaviors including physical, sexual, digital, verbal or other controlling abuse. 

Recognizing the ongoing need for education and support, Alpha Chi Omega expanded its efforts in 2016 by launching Let’s Talk Love, rotational program that is part of the Real. Strong. Women.® Experience, which delivers on the promise to empower each member to become the best version of herself. The program is facilitated at each of our collegiate chapters once every four years, with the goal that every member will have taken part in the program prior to graduating. Through four hours of programming, Let’s Talk Love educates collegiate members on dating violence, sexual assault and healthy relationships. The curriculum helps members understand the warning signs of unhealthy relationships, when and how to intervene when someone needs help, and how to be a supportive friend.  

Alpha Chi Omega proudly partners with the One Love Foundation for a portion of the Let’s Talk Love curriculum. The One Love Foundation is a leading organization in relationship abuse prevention and education for young people. One Love’s input and subject matter expertise are key components of the program, and our collaboration with One Love continues to ensure that Let’s Talk Love remains a comprehensive and impactful program for our collegiate members. 

The program starts with a 45-minute film produced by the One Love Foundation, called Escalation, which is an authentic depiction of how unhealthy relationship behaviors escalate into abuse. It helps participants recognize and understand those often subtle but dangerous early signs of relationship abuse. In the 2023-24 academic yearwatching Escalation and debriefing the film was the highest-rated activity of the Let’s Talk Love programOther impactful activities of the program include time spent determining personal boundaries and the But First, Let’s Dance” section, which asks members to consider popular songs and their depiction of healthy or unhealthy relationship behaviors. Another crowd-favorite activity is “The Most Important Person in the Room,” which concludes the program by having sisters anonymously write something they admire about another sister in the room. They never do get to find out who said that kind thing about them, but it goes to show the value and care our sisters have for one another, despite how well (or not well) they might know the person who wrote the compliment.  

An integral element of the program is our dedicated facilitator team. Let’s Talk Love is facilitated by 18 member and nonmember volunteers, whose diverse personal and professional experiences greatly enhance the program’s value. Without them, Let’s Talk Love could not reach the nearly 40 chapters that receive the program annually. Our volunteer team interacts and leads this important conversation with the 2,000+ members who are in attendance year after year. Our gifted facilitators help create a program experience where our members can safely learn, explore, discuss and participate in activities that foster healthy relationships 

While the program is geared toward our collegiate sisters, we know the knowledge gained and conversations had through Let’s Talk Love have long-lasting impacts on our members. In 2023-24 assessment data, 98% of participants shared that because of their participation in Let’s Talk Love, they had the knowledge and tools to create healthy relationships in the future.  

Our commitment to bringing awareness to domestic violence will not slow down any time soonWhile our efforts are heightened in October to honor Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Let’s Talk Love is just one of the many ways our members are receiving year-round education on the subject. Through programs, webinars, local collaborations with shelters and agencies, philanthropy events and more, Alpha Chi Omega remains dedicated to supporting survivors and ending domestic violence.  

Are you interested in facilitating for a program like Let’s Talk LoveEmail for more information.  

Interested in supporting our domestic violence awareness programming with a donation? Consider making a gift to the Real. Strong. Women. Fund, which supports programming efforts surrounding healthy relationships for our members.