Educational Posters
The well-being of our members is a priority of Alpha Chi Omega. Since 2012, we have partnered with Zeta Tau Alpha, Pi Kappa Phi and Sigma Nu to create a series of educational posters and conversation starters that addresses ways members can reduce risks. Each poster focuses on a public health concern on college and university campuses.
These educational posters are distributed to chapters nationwide and addressed to the VP risk management. The posters are intended to start a conversation among members about various health and safety topics that may affect them and their campus community. These short conversations make great resources for VP risk management reports during chapter meetings, member class programs, risk management programs or event-specific education.
![]() produced 2024 |
DON’T LET ALCOHOL INTERFERE WITH YOUR GAMEThe best defense to drinking is having a good offensive plan! Knowing the strength, time and amount of alcohol helps you stay on top of your game if you choose to consume. For National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week (NCAAW), this poster aims to educate members on how to moderate drinking to avoid over consuming in social settings. Use the conversation starter to explore different standard drink amounts and techniques for drinking responsibly to protect yourself and others. Don’t Let Alcohol Interfere With Your Game conversation starter |
How Well Do You Know Your Drink?Not all drinks are poured the same! When college students pour their own alcoholic beverages, they may be consuming more standard drinks than they think. Our focus for this year’s National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week (NCAAW) poster is on the importance of knowing your drink based on alcohol serving sizes and common drink containers. The conversation starter defines what a standard drink is and protective strategies to moderate drinking behavior. |
ALCOHOL IS A DRUGNo matter if its beer, wine, or liquor, alcohol is in fact a drug. For National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week, we focus our attention on bringing awareness to the dangerous and fatal effects of combining alcohol with other legal and illicit substances. With the poster and conversation starter, members can explore different types of drug interactions and the harmful damage than can have on the body.
Alcohol is a drug Conversation Starter |
HAVE A PLANHaving a plan is an important step to increasing your safety in situations involving alcohol. The poster for this year’s Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week provides members with strategies for how to drink responsibly, minimize the negative effects of alcohol, and reduce risk associated with consuming alcoholic beverages. Use the conversation starter as a guide for discussing how to have safe experiences when drinking with your chapter members.
Have a Plan Conversation Starter |
BE YOUR OWN BARTENDERDuring Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week, this poster and conversation starter were developed to promote conversations around BYOB (Bring Your Own Beverage) practices. The unique Be Your Own Bartender message validates the importance of choosing the strength of your own beverage, knowing the amount of alcohol and monitoring time. Be sure to use the PowerPoint to share tips and help members understand the right way to BYOB.
BYOB Conversation Starter |
KNOW YOUR ABVSThis poster educates members on alcohol by volume (ABV). The poster and conversation guide explain that the standard measurement of the alcohol content of drinks is ABV. Alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine and hard seltzer all have less than 15% average ABV, making them safer options than hard alcohol, as studies show drinks poured by students are typically stronger than standard drinks.
Know Your ABVs Conversation Starter |
KNOW YOUR POURThis poster demonstrates the importance of knowing your standard drink size. Often students over-pour alcohol and believe it is one drink when in fact it is often much more by standard drink size. This poster and conversation guide highlight the need for students to understand the strength of the alcohol, amount poured and time that passes between each standard drink.
Know Your Pour Conversation Starter |
GETTING BACK TO ZEROThis poster was designed to educate members of the different factors influencing blood alcohol content (BAC). The most important factor to remember is TIME. This conversation starter reviews the amount of time needed to get back to zero.
Getting Back to Zero Conversation Starter |
ALCOHOL AND THE BODYFor those who choose to drink, alcohol affects bodies differently. This poster was designed to highlight the different effects on men and women when consuming alcohol. Be aware of the BAC by the hour.
For more information, check out this resource developed by Dr. Jason Kilmer in partnership with Zeta Tau Alpha, Alcohol: Considering Different Impacts for Different People. |
SOCIAL NORMSEver wonder how much alcohol really goes into those red solo cups? This poster addresses the amount of alcohol in a standard drink and how much content really should be poured into your cup. Drinks poured by college students are typically stronger than they think.
KNOW YOUR POURThis educational poster illustrates the amount students typically pour over the standard drink amount. Review the chart to know how many standard drinks you think you are having versus how many you are actually consuming.
RED SOLO CUPWhen you fill up a red solo cup at a party, make sure you’re being safe, responsible and legal. Know the strength of your drink, the amount you consumed and how long you have been drinking to reduce your risk.
Red Solo Cup Conversation Starter |
![]() produced 2025 |
Cocaine prevention: it drains the brainCocaine is a powerful and addictive stimulant that can have serious effects on the brain and body, including addiction, mental health challenges and even life-threatening harm. Having a conversation about drug prevention allows you to educate yourself and support sisters in making healthy decisions. This educational poster urges members to think about the dangers of cocaine and the ramifications for those who choose to use this risky substance. Use the conversation starter to help guide you in talking openly about substance use and misuse in your chapter.Cocaine prevention conversation starter > |
CHOOSE HEALTH, NOT HARMChoosing healthy habits over harmful substances is an important decision members make each day. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, “7 out of every 10 seized pills contain a lethal dose of fentanyl” (2024). Without knowing it, one-time substance use could have life-threatening or fatal consequences. Talking about substance use is one of the best ways to prevent substance misuse and help to decrease stigma around seeking support. The poster and conversation starter share how to have open dialogue with members about their relationship with substances and encourage them to make safe choices.Choose Health, Not Harm conversation starter |
KEEP YOUR FOCUS: A CONVERSATION ABOUT CANNABISAs state laws on medicinal and recreational use of cannabis and marijuana continue to evolve, these substances have become more accessible to the public. Its use among college students has also increased, posing risk to their academic performance. The poster and conversation starter focuses on the potentially negative consequences the drug’s usage can have on students’ GPAs and learning abilities, including impaired attention span, decreased cognitive thinking and diminished memory. |
GENERATION RX: MEDICATION SAFETYThrough our partnership with Generation Rx and peer organizations, members have access to a Toolkit for Fraternity and Sorority Life proving educational resources to prevent prescription drug misuse. Chapters can facilitate a prevention focused conversation on opioids, prescription stimulants, sedatives and general safe medication practices. The curriculum contains four modules that can all be facilitated at once or you can facilitate one module at a time based on the chapter's prevention interests. |
PRESCRIPTION DRUG MISUSEThis poster address misperceptions that come with buying or taking prescription medication from a friend or family member. Did you know that 79% of college students who misuse prescription stimulants (e.g. Ritalin®, Adderall®, Dexedrine®) get them from their friends? Have a conversation with your chapter to ensure members understand the harm of misusing prescription drugs and discuss ways to keep members safe. |
COCAINE: IT’S NOT A PARTY DRUGThe poster challenges students to think about the dangers of cocaine and the ramifications for those who choose to use this harmful substance. Check out the conversation starter that addresses this prevalent topic affecting college campuses and students. |
![]() PRODUCED 2024 |
HEALTHY CONNECTIONAll members deserve a sisterhood where healthy connection is the priority, not the exception. By putting one another’s well-being first, we can ensure that hazing is not part of the equation in our organization. This educational poster and conversation starter focus on the value of treating members with dignity and respect through building healthy connections and eliminating unhealthy behavior, like hazing, from our sisterhood. |
HAZING DOESN’T BUILD COMMUNITYHealthy sisterhood involves building each other up rather than tearing one another down. By learning more about this issue of hazing and how to report concerning behavior, we can set a new standard of sisterhood in our organization. This year’s National Hazing Prevention Week (NHPW) poster and conversation starter shares why hazing is a barrier to an inclusive membership experience and ways to create belonging in positive ways as real, strong women. |
BIG “H” AND LITTLE “H” HAZINGWhen it comes to hazing, the terms Big “H” and little “h” hazing have been used to describe different levels of severity. No matter the type of activity, there is no excuse for hazing and it has no place in our organization. The National Hazing Prevention Week poster and conversation starter share examples of harmful hazing behavior, the definition of hazing and why hazing activity is illegal.
Little h Big H Conversation Starter |
THE WEIGHT OF HAZINGFor National Hazing Prevention Week, our poster helps members reflect on the mental, physical and emotional impacts of hazing. By educating ourselves on the negative outcomes and effects associated with hazing activities, our members can help to prevent this behavior from occurring in our organization and work to create and promote safe, healthy membership experiences within our chapters and campus communities. |
SISTERHOOD NOW MORE THAN EVERAs we transition to a new academic year this fall, we are all finding new ways to create lasting memories with our sisters. During this year’s National Hazing Prevention Week, we want our members to remember the power of sisterhood, to rely on the connections we create to foster a sense of belonging for our members. We know that now more than ever, our one certainty is our sisterhood. |
BEING A BIG IS…This National Hazing Prevention Week poster sheds light on what a big sister really is. Being a big is about mentorship, friendship and providing guidance to new members. If that is the case, then why are we not always advocates for new members’ safety? Let’s change the conversation from harm to help. Talk about the positive experiences your chapter has had with big and little sisters and how you can continue to create lasting friendships that empower members to be the best versions of themselves. |
KNOW THE SIGNS OF HAZINGThis poster focuses on the importance of understanding and recognizing types of hazing. Research shows that 55% of students experience hazing, but a mere 5% claim those experiences as hazing. This poster and conversation starter serve as a reminder that it is important to treat sisters with respect. If activities or experiences can take away from a person’s dignity or safety, those behaviors should be identified and prevented. |
SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHINGThis hazing prevention poster and conversation starter address hazing on college campuses and Alpha Chi Omega’s commitment to creating an educational, fun and safe experience for members. The statistics provided on the poster demonstrate the pervasiveness of hazing and the responsibility that belongs to all to prevent it from happening. |
REPORT HAZINGThis poster was created to help students know how to report hazing. 36% of students say they would not report hazing because “there’s no one to tell.” Know that you have options and ways to report hazing. |
THESE HANDS DON’T HAZEThis poster was aimed at promoting an end to hazing and challenging members to join the movement and share their story. |
SISTERHOOD IS…This poster shares the positive and rewarding aspects of sisterhood. Hazing is not one of these aspects. How can you create meaningful experiences that have a lasting impact on sisterhood? |
988 SUICIDE & CRISIS LIFELINEGetting help for your mental health is just one call, text or chat away. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline's new three-digit number provides 24/7, free, confidential support for you or a loved one experiencing a suicide crisis or emotional distress. When you call, text or chat 988, you will be connected to a trained counseling professional who is part of the Lifeline’s national network of local crisis centers. This educational poster and conversation starter shares how to refer a friend in need to 988 and ways to support yourself and others in identifying mental health support resources. |
SLEEP IS YOUR SUPERPOWERThe connection between your mental health and sleep is a powerful one! The quality of sleep you receive each night plays a major factor into your daily mental and physical wellbeing. Improving your sleep routine can beneficially impact your brain’s ability to critically think, learn and process information. This educational poster and conversation starter explore the importance of maintaining good sleep hygiene and provide helpful strategies to optimize your mental health. |
BELONGING STARTS WITH YOUThis month’s harm reduction poster and conversation starter speaks to the importance of social connection on our mental health and emotional well-being. In April 2020, Active Minds surveyed the impact of the pandemic on college students’ mental health. We learned that 80% of college students reported that COVID-19 had negatively impacted their mental health. As we collectively work to make positive contributions to our emotional well-being, we can’t ignore the importance of social connection in creating a sense of belonging. |
V-A-R (VALIDATE, APPRECIATE, REFER)We collaborated with Active Minds to provide chapters with an active listening tool, called Validate, Appreciate, Refer (V-A-R), to help a friend who may be experiencing a mental health challenge. With 39% of college students experiencing a significant mental health issue, it is important we empower members to help a sister in need. Use this conversation starter and video to begin the dialogue in your chapter to help with everyday mental health challenges. |
ARE YOU OK?This poster was created to remind members to ask, “Are you OK?” Know that it is OK to express concern when you notice a friend exhibiting concerning behaviors. Alpha Chi Omega encourages members to reach out and be there for one another when someone is in need. |
BE PRESENT, ACCOUNTABLE AND HUMANThis poster was created to remind members of the importance of checking in with others on how they are feeling and to simply be a friend when it comes to supporting the emotional well-being of others. Being present and accountable with friends goes a long way. |
![]() Produced 2025 |
SAFE SPRING BREAKSpring break is a time for members to relax and recover from their busy term full of classes and coursework. However, spring break can be a high-risk time of year for members – especially for those that plan to socialize and travel with friends away from campus. The Safe Spring Break conversation starter and powerpoint concentrates on promoting healthy decision-making and provides personal safety tips to help members plan for safe and fun spring breaks, either close to home or miles away! |
Balanced EatingFueling your body and eating a balanced diet can be challenging for college students on the go and on a budget. Learn how you and your chapter can build healthier food habits into your everyday routine, one bite at a time! Use the Balanced Eating poster and conversation starter, adapted from MyPlate.Gov resources and the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines,
TRUE PREVENTION STARTS AT THE BEGINNINGMake health and safety a priority from day one. With the start of a new academic year, chapter calendars are filled with committee meetings, social events, sisterhood activities, philanthropy fundraisers and much more. Be sure prevention education is part of your plans! Use this poster at the beginning of the semester to remind members about the importance of making healthy decisions every day of the year.
SOCIAL MEDIA RESPONSBILITYPause before you post! Social media can be a useful and fun way to communicate, engage, and connect with others personally and professionally near and far. Remember that your social media presence is yours to control and can have lasting effects on you or your chapter. The conversation starter provides discussion and reflection questions focused on how you can maintain a positive social influence reflective of our values while scrolling and sharing online. |
PERSONAL SAFETY SERIESHow does personal safety play a role in your collegiate experience? Want to provide a conversation in your chapter about the impact of alcohol, mental health, online dating, robbery and theft, tampered beverages or safety at night? This facilitation guide includes six 15-minute workshops designed to provide an educational experience that helps keep our sisters safe. |
PHYSICALLY DISTANT, SOCIALLY CLOSEFor this fall's harm reduction poster, we are continuing to prioritize our members’ health and safety as we navigate the complexities of the COVID-19 pandemic. This month’s conversation starter will provide an opportunity for your chapter to discuss the impact COVID-19 has had on sisters and review the role we all play in stopping the spread of the virus. We must embrace #PhysicallyDistantSociallyClose and not lose sight of our sisterhood even when we cannot always gather in person. |
VAPING IS SMOKINGThere are misconceptions around the health impacts of e-cigarettes, most commonly referred to by the brand name JUUL. This poster and conversation guide explain that while vaping is safer than traditional cigarette smoking, e-cigarettes still contain nicotine, which is highly addictive and has heath ramifications including lasting brain impacts such as nicotine addiction, mood disorders and permanent lowering of impulse control. |
SOCIAL MEDIA RESPONSIBILITYThis poster reminds students that posts on social media are not private. With the constant creation of ways to communicate, students are encouraged to think before they post. Social media content can be easily saved and shared in the larger community. This poster and conversation starter review the importance of evaluating possible outcomes of posts and comments made in very public ways, like on social media. Be social, be responsible. |
NEW YEAR, NEW YOUStudents are faced with many choices, priorities, challenges and opportunities. This poster was designed to remind members that they control the direction their future goes. It’s your path to choose. |
RESETWhen you start a new year, what will your impact be? This poster was designed to have chapter members think of all the possibilities ahead of them as leaders, sisters and friends. |
WHAT IS PREVENTION?When you think of prevention, what comes to mind? This poster defines prevention and provides ways to keep yourself and your friends safe. |
CONSENT … IT STARTS WITH A CONVERSATIONConsent is always a prerequisite when it comes to participating or engaging in sexual activity. While it may feel uncomfortable at first, asking for consent doesn’t have to be complicated! Consent can be as simple as starting a conversation. For Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we invite our members to use the educational poster and conversation starter to promote a deeper understanding of consent and empower members to make choices about intimacy at their comfort level and within their boundaries. |
IT’S NO JOKEFor Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we wanted to bring attention to the growing need for education on how sexual violence can show up in campus communities and how fraternity and sorority members can be catalysts for change. This poster explores the sexual violence continuum and educates members about different forms of sexual violence: invasion of space, unwanted sexual touching, sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape. |
REALTIONSHIP BEHAVIORSTo coincide with Sexual Assault Awareness Month programming, we partnered with the One Love Foundation in developing content to educate about signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships. Supplementing the poster is a resource to assist you in starting a conversation with your chapter regarding healthy relationships. One Love’s Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships Behaviors Explained provides information on the 10 signs of a healthy and an unhealthy relationship. |
MISPLACING BLAME EQUALS MISPLACING RESPONSIBILITYPeople get sexually assaulted because someone sexually assaults them. This poster serves as a reminder that the victim is never to blame for a sexual assault. Misplacing blame equals misplacing responsibility. |
IT’S ON USIt’s on us to stop sexual assault. This poster was designed to remind members that "it's on us" to stop sexual assault and asks them to take the pledge to be part of the solution. |
DRUNK DOES NOT EQUAL CONSENTPreventing sexual assault is everyone’s responsibility. This poster addresses that consent cannot be giving while drunk. |