Leadership Academy 2025

Leadership Academy 2025

Leadership Academy is Alpha Chi Omega's premier training for chapter presidents and executive board officers. On January 19-21, we welcomed chapter presidents, vice presidents chapter relations and standards, vice presidents risk management, and vice presidents Ritual and fraternity appreciation to Indianapolis, Indiana. The weekend was full of sisterhood and innovative learning sessions to inspire new officers as they embark on their terms!  

By the numbers

  • 562 collegians 

  • 86 volunteers (includes lead and breakout facilitators, chapter relations and standards specialists, risk management specialists, Ritual and fraternity appreciation specialists, and collegiate interns) 

  • 27 staff members 

  • 15 educational sessions, including the keynote with Lizz Carter Clark, executive director at College Moxie 


Leadership Academy had an exciting kick-off Friday afternoon, with some of our sisters opting to attend the tour of Alpha Chi Omega headquarters. For most of our participants, this is the first time they’ve been to our headquarters building, which offers many incredible pieces from Alpha Chi’s rich 139-year history. Later that evening, Lizz Carter Clark, executive director at College Moxie, helped us welcome all 500+ collegiate attendees during her opening keynote on how to gain followers and inspire others. Following the opening keynote, our officers broke out into their tracks to learn more about their roles and responsibilities for their upcoming term. Friday night finished with a policy review session that deemed sisters either a “Bylaw Baddie” or “Serving Safety,” which officers proudly adhered to their nametags throughout the weekend. Our VPs Ritual and fraternity appreciation ended their night with a competitive game of Ritual trivia.  


Throughout Saturday, our sisters spent time learning and exchanging ideas with fellow officers in their roles. These sessions ranged from Building Sisterhood, in which officers utilized their chapter Sisterhood Survey results to recognize how their officer role connects to and impacts areas of sisterhood, to Honest Conversations, in which members learned about identifying moments and guidance for having informal accountability discussions. Over the course of Saturday, leaders embarked on seven unique learning sessions and one mock initiation for our VPs RFA and chapter presidents.  

For the first time, we announced chapter awards at Leadership Academy! The excitement was high Saturday afternoon at the Seeking the Heights Luncheon, where the seven Seeking the Heights awards were presented to 21 chaptersadding an unforgettable celebration to the program! One collegiate attendee shared“It was fun to recognize other chapters and all get to celebrate together! Another attendee shared, I thought it was very cool. I think recognizing chapters for great accomplishments is wonderful and inspiring for all other chapters. 


As we embarked on the last day of Leadership Academy, we started the morning with a Celebrating Real, Strong Women session. We were joined by our National Council, as they shared wisdom and inspiration for our chapter leaders for their terms ahead. Throughout the session, nine chapters were honored with the last three chapter awards: the Chapter Progress Award, the National Council Trophy and the Continuing Excellence Award! The energy was high as our officers headed into their last breakouts of the weekend, in which they discussed their plans for turning their aspirations into achievements over the next year. The weekend ended with one last session altogether, Cultivating the Alpha Chi Community, which highlighted the power of showing up and supporting one another in their Alpha Chi Omega journeys  

It was a fulfilling and inspiring weekend full of sisterhood, growth, celebration and connection! One sister wrote, “Leadership Academy was incredibly uplifting and confidence-building. It made me confident in my abilities as a chapter officer, both within and outside my role. The facilitators, organizers and officers were absolutely amazing, and I can’t wait to see how my chapter grows as a result!  

Thank you to our Alpha Chi Omega volunteers and donors that make experiences like Leadership Academy possible! Learn more about how you can lead a small group of collegians as a breakout facilitator for Leadership Academy 2026. Interested in helping us ensure future leaders are equipped with the skills they need to lead their chapters? Consider making a gift to the Real. Strong. Women. Fund, which supports Alpha Chi Omega’s programming efforts. 

Tags: LA2025