
Educate and Take Action

Members are encouraged to educate themselves about topics related to inclusion and belonging to join Alpha Chi Omega in taking part in change. Below you’ll find a list of resources to support members in their development; we’ve included just a few of the many resources available.

AXΩ Resources | Share Your Story | Notes of Belonging

Celebrated Every April




AXΩ inclusion and belonging RESOURCES AND TRAININGS

Members can access a wide range of Alpha Chi Omega resources, trainings and more in the Resource Center.

SHARE your story!

Want to share your thoughts or personal experience with belonging through your Alpha Chi Omega experience? Take our short survey and submit your story of belonging below!

Notes of Belonging

We are Alpha Chi Omega. We are real women: diverse in our experiences, our identities and our stories. Each of us has walked a different path that brought us to our “home away from home,” and what better way to recognize our unique experiences than by sharing our Notes of Belonging?  

Together we will compose the melody of our organization, highlighting moments our members championed change and embraced their unique identities through membership in Alpha Chi Omega, all while exploring quick tips and resources to aid your learning.   

It is our hope that through Notes of Belonging, you will learn something valuable that will encourage you to foster inclusive environments where all members feel a sense of belonging.  

Alpha Chi Omega's inclusion and belonging Infographic Series