Alumnae Chapter Officer Retreat Recap

Alumnae Chapter Officer Retreat Recap

Alpha Chi Omega’s alumnae chapters enhance the Real. Strong. Women. Experience for thousands of sisters across the country and virtually. For the alumnae chapter executive board officers who volunteer their time and talents, it is both a challenging and fulfilling opportunity to be responsible for helping sisters connect, lead, grow and serve together!  

Alpha Chi Omega provides support, education and development to these officers to ensure the sustainability of our alumnae chapters for generations to come, including the biennial Alumnae Chapter Officer Retreat, which took place virtually on February 2, 2025. More than 140 officers representing 96 chapters, plus 16 province alumnae chairs, gathered for a day of learning, connection and growth 

Sisters enjoyed a variety of large group training and panel discussions on topics ranging from planning meaningful events to leveraging your unique leadership style. Officers networked and shared ideas through breakout conversations organized by chapter size, chapter location, volunteer tenure and more. Throughout the day, they also engaged digitally via Padlet, Google Forms and Zoom chat to capture their most valuable takeaways for connecting sisters across generations, attracting new members to alumnae chapters, and building sisterhood both in person and virtually.  

In addition to personal and professional development, alumnae leaders enjoyed fun giveaways throughout the day, a welcome from CEO Katie Gaffin and an exclusive closing session with National President Jennifer Daurora, who inspired sisters to share their Alpha Chi Omega story, cultivate community and transform their vision for success into their chapter’s reality.  

“I hope that you remain inspired to continue your individual leadership journey, remain connected to the leaders that you met today because leaders thrive in a community, and remain energized,” Jennifer shared. “You have the unique opportunity to move your alumnae chapter forward to benefit the entire sisterhood of Alpha Chi Omega.”  

The Alumnae Chapter Officer Retreat continues to be a cornerstone of Alpha Chi Omega’s alumnae chapter training and support efforts. One attendee shared, “I thought this entire program was one of the most educational experiences I have had. Lifetime engagement has really stepped it up in recent years to provide programming and resources that are relevant and useful!” 

Thank you to the officers, volunteers and staff who took part in this meaningful event. We can’t wait for 2027! 
