
Educational Assistance Grants

The Alpha Chi Omega Foundation offers individual need-based scholarships each year to collegiate and alumnae members for expenses related to undergraduate or graduate studies. 

Educational assistance grant awards vary each year based on each fund's established criteria and distribution voted on annually by the Board of Trustees. Typical awards range from $500-$1,500. For the 2024-25 academic year, the Alpha Chi Omega Foundation awarded more than $73,000 in educational assistance grants.   

Educational assistance grants are primarily provided through endowed funds based on criteria established by the funds’ donor. Some funds are open to any member of Alpha Chi Omega, where other funds may be limited to members of a particular chapter, from a particular state or region, or those with specific fields of study.

To see a list of educational assistance funds, find out whether your chapter is the beneficiary of an educational assistance fund or make a gift to help sisters achieve their educational goals, click here.

Want to help sisters experiencing financial challenges in meeting their educational goals? Make a gift to an educational assistance fund.

Interested in learning how you can establish an endowed fund to provide educational assistance grants to members of your chapter? Click here for more information about endowed funds.

Interested in applying for an educational assistance grant? The Foundation’s academic grant application cycle is conducted each spring to award grants for the following academic year. The application for the 2025-26 academic year has closed. The application for the 2026-27 academic year will open in March 2026.   

For more information or questions, please contact Foundation operations manager Erin Parks.